Sunday, October 15, 2006

Toddler With Huge Stomach

GreenZap Innovation!

GreenZap, the online payment company address as StormPay, and paypal has inaugurated moneybooks its new online service called ZapExchange. This service is intended to offer users the option to chat, post and search for free items, including the option to allow plenty of buyers and sellers communicate and placing items for sale to complete sales transactions using the powerful payment service GreenZap mail.

The site is divided into 100 categories worldwide. Within

GreenZap can use "cash", that is real money to make your purchase, at the same time you can use "WebCash" for a super-rebate on your purchases.

webcash Note that it is not money * webcash only a mechanism of rewards ie accumulated points or miles and then use it to get a discount buying an item or service. The webcash not be bought with money, only gain by opening a Gold Account or a Green Account for free and referring your friends and family. In a short definition:

>> Webcash not cash that can be withdrawn from your account. It is "WebCash" (as well as your name gives you away) to be spent on the internet.

>> If you ere ZapExchange a seller has the option of accepting a portion of your sale by WebCash. This way you drive traffic to your item listing.

>> If you ere a buyer can get a discount with the miles (WebCash) accumulated in the purchase according to your choice. Of course, if the seller offers this option off.

>> If you do not have enough WebCash available to resolve the amount accepted by the seller, the difference will be paid in cash.

What are the free accounts offered GreenZap?

Depending on your need, is for you ...

Express Account. to chat and add your listing in ZapExchange have to create your own Express. Open the account is free, so as to insert ad. But have in mind that the Express has not for sellers, only to insert as a classified ad, but no items. For example: Insert an ad for "Looking for friendship" "jobs" ... etc. Green

Account. order to sell must have a GreenZap account. With the Green Account GreenZap company will have the advantage of inserting ad including sale items. Is also open for free, additional receiving a reward of $ 25 webcash directly to your account.

Gold Account. This account is not free. The obtained 100 U $ D paid in one payment. But the advantage of this super account is very large compared to Green Account. Perfect for marketers ambundantes. You can insert up to 10 items per month. Just open an account webcash Gold receives $ 125 in your account.

ZapExchange A novelty for cybernavegadores:

Generates $ 1 for each item sold. Set any item "for sale" in ZapExchange and earn $ 1.00 when sold. How? Yes!

The money earned will be deposited in your account GreenZap the same day as the payment for the item of sale has been concluded with the buyer of GreenZap travez.

The Game:

>> The article posted for sale must be at least $ 5.00 or more.

>> The total price should be after WebCash at least $ 5.00.

>> You can not sell and then buy your own.

>> If found violating user agreements or ZapExchange GreenZap, any money generated or donated will be canceled.

>> Only items sold using the checkout process GreenZap Account are eligible for this promotion. Sea Gold Account, Bill Green.

Here we go one better ... Generates

$ 100 each day. Posting any list (for sale or sale) within ZapExchange from today until October 31, 2006 and you could be one of the winners of the 100 U $ D. ZapExchange select the winners of its list daily. The money earned will be deposited into your account GreenZap.

The Game:

>> The winner of the $ 100 agreed to allow GreenZap and / or ZapExchange use your name (first and after launch), the article posted, and the picture at its discretion to promote their services.

>> Participants must post a list each day to be named the winner of the $ 100.

>> A "day" is defined as 24 hours between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM PST.

>> If found violating user agreements or ZapExchange GreenZap any money generated or donated will be canceled.

ZapExchange Within the classified ad as you can insert (divided into categories):

Person: Activity, general, miscellaneous, friendship ...

Real Estate: General, apartments, houses, offices, local comencial ...

Merchandise: General, antique, art, books, CDs, clothing, collection, computers, dvds, electronic
, musical instruments ...

Vehicle: General, boats, trucks, motorcycles, cars ...

Animals: General, cats, dogs, horses ...

Services: General, babysitting, shopping ...

Jobs: General accountant, management, agriculture, architect, banking ...

Events: General, classes, concerts ...

As you see, ZapExchange is all a qualifier. Only that the site is only in English. Still unable to insert English language course. ZapExchange is global, as GreenZap and reaches around the world.

To start zapping and do your mischief enter here GreenZap


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