Peru cheap
The cholo cheap is not enough. It also requires and imposes capital cheap natural resources. In the end we Peru cheap. Yes, because large companies pay no royalties. Chain across the input costs, but for the miners No. Mining, gold bags in our guts and you got off easy. No cost. Unheard of, it costs you. In our nature for centuries to form and your cost him the bags and you take her for free. Windfall.
The paying doubt they are doing the right price. And above that do not charge for our raw material or resource, it tag is valued by the market.
How we will win the opportunity for the country. When markets do not grow, the state can not raise the costs to the multinationals because "it did not come." And when things are going well and there is demand, not because "we need to attract more capital," "that can be resent and need." So capital is scarce and resources abound. But is it that the funds are scarce. Will not these abound and they need us? We are not scarce commodity and therefore we can attach conditions. I wonder if other countries the cost of resources is so low. I wonder if our fish cost the result. For me there dateado fishing that pay 70 cents per ton they extract. Our trees cost? There are also forest royalties or just drop us money via income tax?. I fear that we are giving away.
And we are losing the opportunity to bring up our people and continue our 50 or 40% of poor waiting for the blessed blast. Amen
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