Friday, July 20, 2007

How Doyou When A Scorpio Man Likes You


That raise, as a candidate, he would revizar tax stability contracts with the mining. Contract with Telefonica, the windfall tax on mining. That was also a revizar the FTA. And nothing. Then we have that the country continues to grow high rates (7% per annum) and for the people do not get the improvements. What is commonly called Toledo "blast." The sad thing is that we grow not appends value of workers, but mainly by natural resources, particularly miners then nature is not replenished. In other words, they take our economic factor "Earth."
But what I find that view more in this policy is to express the struggles of workers in the manner which is inconsistent with a political character that social demands. I mean that jokingly say "I am ashamed of President of a country where workers are on hunger strike and NOBODY NEVER DIES" (and the fighter Haya de la Torre and Struggles for 8 hours?). But these complaints are what make sense, so the Right (Nano), calls for more attention to the peoples of the South. History has always been the case with tear struggle achievements. Luis Sanchez pro.objetividad


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