The new owners of Peru
The new owners of Peru by Pedro Francke.Profesor
Department of Economics PUCP.
net profits of mining companies. Click on the image to ampliar.Hay in Peru seven executives who earn more than a million soles per year. They are concentrated mainly in the mining sector, according to consultant Deloitte. The highest salary of a manager in Peru is one million 400 thousand suns year: the equivalent of 120 000 soles a month.
try to imagine what he would do if it received 120 thousand suns every month, month after month, year after year. Can I buy an apartment and amoblarÃa every month? With 120 thousand suns I can do. Or better savings and bought me a big house every three months? But what I would do with so many houses? Would you spend on yachts, beaches full to myself, butlers? How can a person spend 120 thousand suns every month of the year?
seems that mine managers make much money. When compared with the earnings of miners Casapalca, no doubt about it: a single mining manager earns more than 200 workers together.
But if the earnings of managers like much, look at the earnings of business owners. The owners of the type C shares of Southern Peru Copper Corp have seen their shares have gone to be worth U.S. $ 10 billion a year ago to be worth 27 billion today, a gain of 17 billion dollars, more than 50 000 million soles. This figure definitely beyond my imagination. Not calculated how many suitcases full of banknotes are needed to put all that money. How workers, as it would be?
For what this group has gained through his actions, only that company, in the last year, more than they earn all the workers of Peru, of all sectors and companies in a year. A worker in Peru earn on average 980 soles a month. Putting together the salaries of a million Peruvian workers, month after month, year-round, we do not reach the sum of what they have gained a group of shareholders of Southern.
Fortunately, our readers think the state gets some of those gains through taxation. In this way, say, something we have to the rest of the Peruvians. ERROR. Those who think so are wrong. Peruvian law stipulates that those who hold shares in the stock and profit rise in price because they do not pay taxes for it. You and I, employed workers, each time we receive our paycheck and our paychecks income tax. But the gains in the stock market there is no charge, no sun, zero, nil.
Southern is one of the three largest mining companies in Peru, Antamina and Yanacocha with account for half of all domestic mining production, but we can not provide similar levels of the other two because not listed on the stock market. Yet we know that Antamina increased revenues at U.S. $ 2.500 million annually just for the effect of rising international copper prices, windfall money, lottery happy.
In short, the world is like: everyone dances with his own handkerchief. Overall, if God gave that St. Peter bless. Oops ... another error. It turns out that the minerals found in Peruvian territory, according to our Constitution, belong to the nation. The scarf is not theirs. That wealth is not the God-given, is of all Peruvians. But if the lottery ticket is ours, why do not we at least half? Pence
voluntary: if you only give us half
Last year, the major mining companies had profits of 22 billion suns. Ten thousand million suns in the previous year, thanks to the prices of copper and zinc prices have quadrupled and other metals have doubled.
The APRA government has negotiated that companies provide 500 million soles a year to "mining program in solidarity with the people" only 5% of the windfall. In contrast, in Ecuador the oil companies should pay a windfall tax of 50%. In Botswana, the state receives 80% of the profits of the main diamond mine, which is its mineral wealth, thanks to which is the country in the world that has grown economically since 1960.
This would to S /. 5 billion
If our government had done as Ecuador would receive not 500 but 5 billion soles per year. What is the difference? This money
can: Grant
S /. 100 a month to ALL of extreme poor families in Peru: A total of S /. 900 million. Make
free care, medicines, diagnostics and operations in hospitals and the Ministry of Health, and have mobile health brigades in 100 provinces in remote areas: S /. 600 million. Provide basic pension
S /. 200 per month to all Peruvians over 65 who live in the country: A total of S /. 800 million. Dar
thousand dollars per classroom, for repairs and furniture, to associations of parents and public school principals: A total of S /. 300 million.
build drinking water systems 3 000 rural villages where they live and a half million families: S /. 1.000 million.
duplicate the benefits provided to committees of the glass of milk and soup kitchens, providing resources for mothers organized for social and economic projects: S /. 400 000 000
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